Traditional Christmas Puddings

Preparation 30 MINS (Plus fruit soaking time)

Cook 1 ¼ HRS (Small Puddings) or 5 HRS (1 Large Pudding)

Serves 10


  1. Combine fruit, cranberry sauce, brandy and spices in a large bowl, cover and leave to stand overnight.
  2. Brush 10 x 1 cup pudding basins (ramekins) or one 10 cup basin, with melted butter and line the base with baking paper.
  3. Mix eggs, butter, brown sugar and flour until well combined, then stir through fruit mixture.  Spoon mixture into prepared basins
  4. Cut a large circle of foil and baking paper, and place over each pudding, foil side up. Secure tightly with kitchen string.
  5. Place puddings in a large saucepan and add enough boiling water to fill halfway up the sides.  Cover and bring to the boil, reduce the heat and cook for  1 ¼ hours for the small puddings or 5 hours for the large pudding, replenishing water when needed.
  6. Remove from water and store well wrapped until Christmas.


500g SUNBEAM Gourmet Mixed Fruit

375g SUNBEAM Raisins

200g SUNBEAM Currants

200g ANGAS PARK Fruit Medley

375g ANGAS PARK Apricots – chopped

225g cranberry sauce

1 cup brandy

1 tsp nutmeg

2 tsp mixed spice

1 tblsp cinnamon, ground

4 eggs, lightly beaten

250g butter – melted and cooled

1 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed

½ cup Self Raising flour

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Mini Indulgent Puddings

Preheat oven to 150°C

  1. Combine fruit, jellied cranberry sauce, brandy and spices in a large bowl, cover and leave to stand overnight.
  2. Brush ten 1-cup pudding basins (ramekins) with melted butter and line base with baking paper.
  3. Mix eggs, butter, brown sugar and flours until well combined, then stir through fruit mixture. Spoon mixture into prepared basins.
  4. Cut a large circle of foil and baking paper and place over each pudding, foil side up. Secure tightly with kitchen string.
  5. Place pudding in a large saucepan and add enough boiling water to fill halfway up the sides. Cover and bring to the boil, reduce heat and cook for 11⁄4 hours, replenishing water when needed.
  6. Remove from water and store well wrapped until Christmas.

Asparagus Pastries

Preheat oven to 180°C.

  1. Cut each pastry sheets into 4 squares. Mark 1cm in from the edge of pastry to resemble a photo frame. Place on paper lined baking trays.
  2. Panfry onions in oil for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Pour in wine and brown sugar and cook for a further 5 minutes stirring continuously. Stir in pine nuts and cool.
  3. Place heaped spoonfuls of onion mixture into the centre of each pastry square. Arrange mushrooms and asparagus on top. Sprinkle with feta and brush edges with egg. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes. Serve.

IceCream Torte & Caramel Fig Sauce

Line a 12cm x 26cm x 8cm terrine tin with plastic wrap, leaving enough to be able to cover the top completely.

Pulse dried fruit in a food processor to roughly chop. Combine in a bowl with the port. Set aside for 2 hours.

In a food processor blitz cookies to fine crumbs. Add melted butter and pulse to combine.

Whisk 2 cups (500ml) cream to soft peaks. In a separate bowl, lightly beat condensed milk and lemon juice together. Fold whipped cream into condensed milk mixture, then fold in drained fruit mixture and nuts. Spread a third of the cream mixture over the base of the lined terrine, then top with half the biscuit mixture, then repeat again with cream mixture & biscuits. Enclose with plastic wrap, then freeze overnight.

Place figs in a bowl, cover with boiling water, then set aside for 30 minutes.

Combine sugar and remaining 200ml cream in a pan over low heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Drain figs (discard liquid), add to cream mixture and simmer for 1 minute. Cool.

To serve, invert terrine onto a serving plate and spoon over caramel figs with their syrup.

Rum & Raisin Profiterole Wreath

To make the custard, combine raisins and rum in a small bowl and allow to soak for 10 mins.  Drain and roughly chop the raisins.

Combine milk, cream and vanilla in a medium sized, heavy based saucepan over medium heat.  Not letting the milk come to a boil, stir until warmed. 

In a separate bowl combine egg yolks and sugar, whisk until mixed then add flour and whisk to incorporate. 

Gradually add the egg mixture to the milk, whisking over a medium heat, until it is all added and incorporated.  The custard will thicken, continue to whisk until smooth.  Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before stirring through the soaked raisins.

To make the choux pastry, preheat oven to 190ºC (170ºC fan).  Line 2 large baking trays with baking paper. 

In a medium saucepan, combine butter and sugar with 250ml water.  Stir over a medium-high heat until the water begins to boil and the butter has melted.  Remove pan from the heat, add the flour and use a wooden spoon to vigorously mix to combine.  The mixture will begin to resemble a dough – return pan to medium heat and cook for a further 1-3 mins, stirring, until you notice the dough pulling away from the sides of the pan.  Spoon the dough into a bowl of a stand mixer and allow to cool slightly (10 mins).

Fit the stand mixer with a whisk attachment.  Add vanilla bean paste and 1 egg and whisk until just combined.  Repeat with remaining eggs until your dough is glossy.

Transfer the mixture to a large piping bag fitted with large, round, open tip.  Spray the surface of the baking paper with a fine mist of water.

Pipe 12 rounds, evenly spaced, onto each prepared tray.  Bake for 30-40 mins, ensuring the oven door stays closed for the first 25 mins, until the pastries are puffed and golden.  In the final 5 mins, prick the base of the pastries with a toothpick and return to the oven to dry out.

Turn off the oven and open the door, allow pastries to cool completely in the oven.

Once the pastries are cool dip in melted chocolate (white and dark) and rest on a baking rack until chocolate sets.

Pipe each profiterole with the rum and raisin custard.  Arrange in a wreath shape on a large, round serving platter.  Decorate with cherries, raspberries and mint leaves.  Generously drizzle with chocolate sauce to serve.

Apricot & Sunmuscat Sultana Bread & Butter Pudding

Cut bread into 3 cm cubes. Layer bread and sultanas over base of a 2 litre baking dish, drizzle with 2 Tbsp of the melted butter, and toss gently.

In a bowl or large jug, whisk eggs until smooth. Add jam, milk, 1/3 cup sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and vanilla to the jug. Whisk again until all ingredients are well incorporated.

Pour egg mixture over bread cubes. Gently press with a spoon to submerge the bread in the liquid. Set aside for 15 mins while oven preheats.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Drizzle pudding with remaining 1 Tbsp butter and extra 1 Tbsp sugar.

Bake for 35 – 40 minutes, or until top is golden and puffed, but still just-wobbly in the centre. Cover loosely with foil in the last 15 minutes, if browning too quickly.

Cool 10 mins before cutting. Serve warm or at room temperature, with custard and fresh berries.


Milk and butter can be substituted with diary free versions if preferred.

Apricot jam can be substituted with orange marmalade.

If bread is fresh, leave on bench for an hour or two once diced, to dry out slightly.

Chocolate Bunny Cakes (Gluten Free)

  1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C (160°C). Line 10 x ⅓ cup capacity muffin pans with paper cases.
  2. Place eggs, honey, oil and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Beat well with electric beaters for 2 minutes. Fold in the almond meal, flour, cocoa and baking powder until mixture is well combined. Stir in the sultanas.
  3. Spoon mixture between paper cases and bake for 22-24 minutes until cooked. Allow to cool in pan for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
  4. For icing, beat together the cream cheese and honey until smooth. Dollop over the top of cooled cupcakes and sprinkle with coconut. Decorate with ears and nose.

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